Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
305 lines
Well, here it is, Lithium's first tutorial! This was the first program
I wrote in assembly language, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Basicly, programming for the mouse is pretty easy. Using BIOS int 33h,
there are many, many different functions at your disposal. My book lists
52 at mouse driver 8.0 Unfortunately, my book doesn't document the registers
on return from these functions. This was written with info from a C book,
but readily applies to the ASM world. The functions used in this program
will get you all the information you should need to get started with little
programs using the mouse. So, although I don't feel like exploring the
world of the mouse, you can see what info you get back from these functions
Function Driver Purpose
0 Reset/Initialize Mouse
1 Show Mouse Cursor
2 Hide Mouse Cursor
3 Get Mouse Status
4 Set cursor position
5 Get button press info
6 Get button release info
7 Set horizontal boundaries
8 Set vertical boundaries
9 Set graphics cursor block
10 Set text cursor
11 Read motion counters
12 Set interrupt subroutine
13 Enable light-pen emulation
14 Disable light-pen emulation
15 Set mickey-to-pixel ratio
16 Conditional off
17 and 18 are not listed
19 Set double-spedd threshold
20 Swap interrupt subroutines
21 Get mouse driver state storage needs
22 Save mouse driver state
23 Restore mouse driver state
24 Set alternate subroutine
25 Get alternate interrupt address
26 Set mouse sensitivity
27 Get mouse sensitivity
28 Set interrupt rate
29 Set CRT page number
30 Get CRT page number
31 Disable mouse driver
32 Enable mouse driver
33 Software reset
34 Set language for messages
(international versions only)
35 Get language (same restriction)
36 Get driver version info
37 6.26 Get general driver info
38 6.26 Get maximum virtual coordinates
39 7.01 Get cursor masks and mickey counts
40 7.0 Set video mode
41 7.0 Get supported video modes
42 7.02 Get cursor hot spot
43 7.0 Set acceleration curves
44 7.0 Get acceleration curves
45 7.0 Set or get active acceleration curve
46 is not listed
47 7.02 Mouse hardware reset
48 7.04 Set or get BallPoint information
49 7.05 Get virtual coordinates
50 7.05 Get active advanced functions
51 7.05 Get switch settings
52 8.0 Get MOUSE.INI
After typing all that out, I think I could have written my little program
in just a couple of lines. Oh well, it's the adventure of programming that
brings the rewards...
Lithium /VLA
STACK 200h
;above line is for the compiler only- it creates no code
Message db "Mouse driver not present$"
Ypos dw 100 ; Starting Y position
Xpos dw 160 ; Starting X position
OldY dw ?
OldX dw ?
Yvel dw 1
Color db 50h
XMin = 0 ; We are using a 320x200 screen
XMax = 318 ; The dot used for the pointer is
YMin = 0 ; 2x2 pixels, so these are the screen
YMax = 198 ; boundries
────────────────────────────; Subroutines ;──────────────────────────────────
; PROC SetMouse
; Calls the BIOS mouse int, function 0
; This will determin if a mouse is present
; Will return AX == 0 if mouse exists
; AX <> 0 if not there
PROC SetMouse
mov ax,0
int 33h
inc ax
ret ;ax=0 successful, ax!=0 no mouse found
ENDP SetMouse
; PROC CheckMouse
; Will read the mouse position and place it
; into [Xpos] and [Ypos], it checks for boundries
; using XMin, XMax, YMin, and YMax
; Old X and Y are stored in [OldX] and [OldY]
; If Right button pressed, [Color] = 50h
; If Left button pressed, [Color] = 20h
; No Registers Effected
PROC CheckMouse
mov ax,[Xpos] ; Save the old X and Y
mov [OldX],ax
mov ax,[Ypos]
mov [OldY],ax
mov ax,11
int 33h ; Bios int 33h function 0Bh
add [Xpos],cx ; returns X position in CX
add [Ypos],dx ; Y position in DX
cmp [Xpos],XMin
jge @@XNotToSmall ; Don't let it go off the left side of
; of the screen
mov [Xpos],XMin
cmp [Xpos],XMax ; Same deal with the rest of these jumps
jle @@XNotToBig ; we check the position against the boundry
; values and set them equal if they are
mov [Xpos],XMax ; beyond
cmp [Ypos],YMin
jge @@YNotToSmall
mov [Ypos],YMin
cmp [Ypos],YMax
jle @@YNotToBig
mov [ypos],YMax
@@YNotToBig: ; So our mouse is in bounds now
mov ax,3 ; Bios int 33h function 3 checks the
int 33h ; mouse status, so we can get the
; state of the buttons
shr bx,1
jnc @@RightNotPushed
mov [Color],50h
shr bx,1
jnc @@LeftNotPushed
mov [Color],20h
ENDP CheckMouse
; PROC DrawDot
; Draws a 2x2 dot of [Color] in the X and Y
; position of [Xpos] and [Ypos]
; Also deletes the old dot, using [OldX] and [OldY]
; No Registers Effected
PROC DrawDot
mov di,[OldY] ;We will use the old X and Y to find
imul di,320 ;Where to erase the 2x2 dot
add di,[OldX]
mov ax,0
add di,318
mov di,[Ypos] ;We can use the same method of our madness
imul di,320 ;to get the position on the screen to
add di,[Xpos] ;draw the new dot 2x2
mov al,[Color]
mov ah,al
add di,318
ENDP DrawDot
────────────────────────────────; Code ;─────────────────────────────────────
mov ax,cs ;move CS to AX
mov ds,ax ;move AX to DS
;this is needed because DOSFN 09h requires
;DS:DX to point to the start of the data to
;be display
mov ax,0a000h ; 0a000:0000 is the start of the VGA screen
mov es,ax ; We would like ES to hold that for us
call SetMouse ; Do we have a mouse?
or ax,ax
jz @@Foundmouse
mov dx,offset Message
mov ah,9
int 21h ; Must not if we got here, so print the
jmp @@Bye ; Error message before exiting
mov ax,0013h ;ah=00h al=13h Funct 00h = set video mode (al)
int 10h ;Bios Video Interrupt
mov dx,03dah ;Port that is read from
@@vr1: ;when verticle retrace occurs bit 4 is set
in al,dx ;and the loop will cease
and al,00001000b
jz @@vr1 ;jump if zero flag is set
call DrawDot
call CheckMouse
mov ah,1 ; We'll check for a key press
int 16h
jz @@MainLoop ; A key will be the exit condition
mov ah,0 ; We need to grab that key, so it
int 16h ; doesn't show up at the prompt
mov ax,0003h ;ah=0, al=3 80x25x16 text
int 10h ;Bios interrupt
mov ax,4c00h ;DOS funtion 4ch - terminate program
int 21h ;Standard DOS services interrupt
;For DOS int calls ah= function #
END Start